KitchenAid Stand Mixer Motor Assembly W10517938
Fits Models: 4KSM6573CCU2, 4KSM6573CER2, 4KSM6573COB2, 4KSM6573CWH2, 4KSM7990WH0, KSM6521XCA0. KSM6521XFP0. KSM6521XMS0, KSM6521XMW0, KSM6521XOB0, KSM6521XSR0, KSM6521XSZ0, SM6573CCU0, KSM6573CCU1, KSM6573CCU2, KSM6573CER0, SM6573CER1, KSM6573CER2, KSM6573COB0, KSM6573COB1, SM6573COB2, KSM6573CWH0, KSM6573CWH1, KSM6573CWH2, KSM7581BZ0, KSM7581CA0, KSM7581MS0, KSM7581WH0, KSM7586PCA0, KSM7586PCA1, KSM7586PFP0, KSM7586PFP1, KSM7586PMS0, KSM7586PMS1, SM7586POB0, KSM7586POB1, KSM7586PSR0, KSM7586PSR1, kSM7588PCP0, KSM7588PNK0, KSM7589PBK0, KSM7589PIT0, KSM7589PMW0, KSM7589PNK0, KSM7990NP0, KSM7990WH0, KSM8990DP0, KSM8990ER0, KSM8990ES0, KSM8990NP0, kSM8990OB0, KSM8990SL0, KSM8990WH0, KSMC895DP0, KSMC895ER0, KSMC895NP0, KSMC895OB0, KSMC895WH0,WPW10517938, WPW10517938, 4KSM6573CCU, WPW10517938, When ordering parts, please ensure it is compatible with your model number. The model number must appear in the ``fits models numbers``. If your model number is not listed and you order the part, then wish to return it, we will not re-imburse the shipping fee, and there will be a charge for restocking (normally 20%).